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1 Level
809 Review
61 Karma

Review on Indigo DQM by Vashod Reed

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Indigo DQM - Easy way and reliable solution

It's easy for end users as well as technical team people can use it with ease! The best thing I like about this software from my point of view that no one will be able find any problem while using indigo dqm because its very much user friendly so anyone who wants they are all free in learning how things work here!! Nothing else i don't dislike anything just keep your mind open if you have some doubts then ask them directly or check out their support desk by searching google regarding same questions which u might face during installation process also read reviews given there may help.

img 1 attached to Indigo DQM review by Vashod Reed

We track our activities easily through reports generated automatically. All queries related to business operations get solved without doing manual entrys.We never miss important details again &again we save time too. This saves us lot more than what others do manually when keeping records.

  • Its fully compatible withe most popular browsers including Internet Explorer 6/7&8 (XP) ,Firefox 3 + 4+ 5 etc., Google Chrome latest version.It works seamlessly across platforms
  • PC Windows / MAC OS X Linux Android iOS iPhone iPad iPod touch..etc..and other devices suchas Tablets eToro TV set
  • Some difficulties